
Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 11.13.40 AM

I’ve been focused the last week on designing an email for a client at a digital media company. She asked me to help her reach out to a specific type of client regarding co-op dollars available to the retailers of the store chain.

The first version I put into an existing template from her parent company – she didn’t love it. The second attempt was a little more straight-forward, visual, step-by-step approach, and she liked it very much. The above is a capture of the main email visual below the masthead and headline. So far the results of the email are showing a strong open rate, but a not-so-great click through. I also have to remember to suggest including pertinent phone, email and contact information at the close of the email. Eeek.

I learned a lot during this design and it took me longer than I expected to program the email beyond the existing template code in Constant Contact. I think the provider is okay, but I can see how designers would get frustrated by the apparent inflexibility of the templates. I’ll continue to work on our approach, both visual and experiential, and hopefully perfect the communication to have a better click-through and follow-through for the salesperson in the future sends.





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